I am here to encourage, guide, and love you as you discover the truth of who you truly are. It is my life's purpose to assist all who have a desire to play in the Light be able to do so. I am here to empower you during your transformational journey by l ...
Monique England has been on her healing journey for many years, healing, expanding and growing. She is a gifted psychic medium, intuitive empath & facilitator of transformation for the clients she serves. She is a Certified as a ThetaHealing® Instruct ...
Helena's Body Mind Spirit Health & Wellness Day is a fun, uplifting, and genuinely unique event! This annual event (in October) is made up of a community whose focus is based on the many areas of Health & Wellness including Alternative Healing Practice ...
Welcome Thank you for visiting. I have a passion for helping people Awaken Joy in their lives. All too often we find ourselves stuck in a rut feeling like there has to be more to life than this. There Is! Our natural state is one of joy, so if yo ...
Daeryl Holzer is a Clairvoyant, Spiritual Teacher, Author and Artist. Visit her website for books, meditation card sets, and sacred ceramic wares. also find out about her upcoming local workshops and offerings. BOOKS: Opening A Window To The Soul: A ...
Raye Vincent with Raye's of Light: Raye specializes in assisting women in enhancing their overall mind, body, spirit wellness and well-being through meditation coaching, sound bath therapy, yoga, sexual health and intuitive card readings and moonology. Ra ...
Mary is an ordained spiritualist minister, a visionary, a certified spiritual counselor, a certified holistic health coach and natural born intuitive empath. Her gifts are primarily clairaudience and clairsentient. Mary uses cards as a vessel to tap into ...